Spark Joy Collective

We are a community of families in San Diego who are passionate about nature, adventure and education.


We are a thriving community of women who passionately seek to incorporate nature and adventure into the lives of our children. We started our homeschooling nature group in 2021 for children 0-6 years old and actively meet every other week for nature walks, exciting hikes, fun park dates and educational field trips.

In 2022, we started a women-only group that meets monthly to learn some basic, but forgotten, homemaking and survival skills that have included classes on sourdough bread making, canning, pickling, fermenting, self defense, safe gun handling, essential oils, building a holistic medicine cabinet, emergency food storage and many more coming in the future.

As our group continues to grow, we look forward to future family camping trips, moms night out, community service projects and more.

Thank you for being here and supporting us!

Hours & Location

Nature Group - weekly
10:30 - 1:30pm - throughout county

Homemaking Group - monthly on Saturday
early afternoon - Spring Valley
